We received word tonight that the fawn
who was presumed dead for three days is safe and back to bouncing
around at the Dock Side Green site. Apparently we should have
trusted the doe to be the good mother that she is, to have moved her
little one from imminent danger.
The alarm was raised, quite
understandably, by CRD residents who have grown fond of the deer that have been
living behind the plastic-lined chain link fence that surrounds the
property. The three day absence of the fawn after the activity of
heavy machinery was a legitimate cause for concern by observers. The
situation for this small herd will continue to be a serious concern
as the construction of Dock Side Green progresses.
As this deer family loses it's foothold
on this safe place, and they are pushed further into Victoria West and
Esquimalt, there will be residents who will observe them and will
assert that the deer population is exploding. Three hundred new
residential units are to be added to Vic West during the next construction phase. Three hundred new
residents will be noticing a deer presence. Not all of them will be
happy about that. The municipality of Esquimalt has voted to cull
deer if 75% of the CRD municipalities agree to this method of “deer
management.” The fate of the Dock Side deer will be intertwined
with the policies of both Vic West and Esquimalt.
This little fawn is not out of the woods yet.
For myself, I have learned the
difference between the teats of a doe who has recently nursed and
those that are milk engorged.