Mayor Jensen
recently insisted at a council meeting that the cost of the deer cull
was only $16,000. He spoke to media shortly after the cull, naming
Ron Kerr as the contractor who was paid, an amount which exceeds the
terms of the Request for Proposal:
He also does not
acknowledge that the cost of the deer count, undertaken in April 2014
(not June, as Mayor and staff are inexplicably claiming – for
proof of the timeline, see the blog post from April 11, 2014) was a
requirement for obtaining the permit to cull. That cost:
Update June 10, 2015: an FOI request by Liz White has revealed that the
actual cost for Pace Group Communications - hired to make the cull more
palatable to the public and to help with trap setup - was $7,537.68
(Invoice #003) and $5,145.00 (Invoice # 004).
The CRD Budget Estimates for Oak Bay Deer Management Pilot Project implementation follows. Residents will not have access to the final budget breakdown, but this will help us to understand the costs that Oak Bay does not want to discuss.