Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Hunting Revenue the BC Liberals Don't Brag About

Most British Columbians would have no reason to peruse the Ministry of Forest, Lands and Natural Operations website to look up their Hunting and Trapping Synopsis.  That's because most British Columbians don't kill wildlife for fun and profit.

The following are some of the advertisements from the 2014-2016 Hunting and Trapping Synopsis that the BC Liberals have received revenue from.  The claim that hunters are conservationists who care very deeply about the animals that they target falls on its face with the very first advertisement.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Dog Caught in Leghold Trap on Vancouver Island

Pets caught in leghold traps is a more common occurrence than most realize, rarely covered by mainstream media. Lynne Cracknell, whose dog was injured by a leghold trap near Campbell River, BC, was not expecting to be wrestling her pet out of a vice-like trap when she was out of a walk in February.

Her horrific experience didn't end there.  At her meeting with Conservation Officer Steve Petrovic she learned that trapping wolves on Vancouver Island is more prevalent than the public knows, and the rights of the trapper (not wildlife, not public safety) is the focus of BC's conservation office.

This is her story.