Thursday, October 25, 2012

CRD Director Muzzles Deer Advocates

Two Langford residents and I attended a meeting with the Acting Mayor of Langford on Friday, October 19, 2012. These residents were instrumental in the creation of the deer signs that are erected along the Veteran's Memorial Parkway. They are very worried that the deer in their community will face a cull as the hysteria about deer mounts in our region.

At our meeting we described our concerns about the deer management strategy currently being reviewed by the councils in the Greater Victoria Area. The Acting Mayor suggested that sharpshooting would not be considered by the Langford Council, at which time we advised her that the “Capture and Euthanize” option uses a baited trap which is collapsed on the deer after several hours and they are killed with a captive bolt gun, meaning that no projectiles would be flying around Langford. She invited the residents to present to the upcoming Protective Services Committee of Langford.

However, after speaking with Councilor Denise Blackwell, who is on the Board of the CRD Directors, she was advised that Councils will not see anything on their agendas regarding the deer management strategy until referral from the Board. It is now suggested that the residents apply to address the CRD Planning, Transportation and Protective Services Committee at the next special meeting.

The Regional Planning staff is directed to convene staff representatives from CRD municipalities and other government bodies to implement the recommended management options. The public is left in the dark regarding the process that their elected representatives are using to review these recommendations – recommendations that favour lethal management of deer – and now attempts to engage our local councils are blocked by the CRD?

The CRD has taken it upon itself to block the democratic process when residents wish to meet with their Councils. The Board has ignored deer advocates throughout it's deer management strategy process, and there is very little faith among many CRD residents that the Board will allow citizens to speak at the next Planning, Transportation and Protective Services special meeting.

Continuing the arrogance, the CRD website states “When the meeting date has been confirmed it will be posted to this page (CRD Deer Management) with an indication of whether delegations will be received at that time.”

If other residents are finding that they are unable to meet with their councils due to interference from the CRD Board, please contact DeerSafe Victoria at our website:


  1. this is a flagrant abuse of office!
    politicians are there to hear and address citizen concerns. blocking communications with ones local government makes a mockery of the democratic process!

  2. Funny how some politicians hide except when to take a share of the glory they had nothing to do with or to kiss babies.


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